Caring for your pets during lockdown

To help pet owners during what can be a very difficult time, we wanted to share some handy tips on keeping your pets healthy & safe during Covid-19 lockdowns.

  1. Stay calm & carry on. More often than not, our pets pick up on our own stress, which causes them to become anxious. Try to stay calm despite the stressful times, with regular exercise and healthy eating habits. If you notice signs of anxiety in your pet such as pacing, panting, lack of appetite, barking, or trying to run away, contact your vet.

  2. Check your pet supplies and ensure you have enough food, cat litter, toys, etc. However, do not panic buy, as supermarkets will continue to operate during lockdowns. Many online pet supply retailers also offer contactless delivery direct to the door.

  3. Plan for emergencies and check with your local vet if they will remain open and/or what hours they will be operating. You can often find these updates on social media.

  4. Respect your pet’s space. It is likely that your pets won’t be used to having you at home all the time. Make sure they have a safe space to retreat to if they need some rest or if you have small children at home. Ensure your outdoor space is escape-proof.

  5. Stick to routines. This is helpful for both pets and humans, as it makes the situation appear more controllable and predictable. If possible, stick to your normal feeding and walking routine to reduce stress and help your pets to adjust to you staying at home.

  6. Make sure they get enough sleep. On average, adult dogs sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day. While puppies need even more sleep. Adult cats sleep about 15 hours a day, on average. Most pets will sleep during the day while their families are away, ensure that lockdowns don’t prevent your pets from getting enough sleep. You can do this by making sure they have a safe space, it can be a spare room, an outdoor terrace, a cozy corner, or even a crate bed away from Zoom calls & noise.

  7. Stimulate them mentally to relieve boredom and unwanted behavior such as chewing on shoes or furniture. Try lick mats, fillable toys or long chew treats. Licking & chewing helps to promote relaxation and relieve stress. There are also lots of mental stimulation game ideas online, check out Youtube videos for inspiration. This could also be a great time to teach your dog a new trick or catch up on training.

  8. Enjoy your time together. The chances are your pets couldn’t be happier to have you home. Make the most of lockdown with longer walks, playtime & spending quality time together.


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